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Here, the living unchanging Word of God is proclaimed with clarity and simplicity in the spirit of love. Our mandate is to restore hope, change lives, and transform our community through the gospel of Jesus Christ by taking ordinary men like you and I and making them true disciples and maturing them into the image of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Our Pastors:
Défi Jubgang

Lead Pastor

Youth Pastor


Ryan Macdonald
Marcel Fombi

Associate Pastor

Associate Pastor

Benjamin Mua - Lead Pastor 


Pastor Benjamin Mua is a seasoned and compassionate shepherd with a lifelong dedication to serving his community through faith and spiritual guidance. Born and raised in Cameroon, he is the founder and apostolic leader of the New Life International Gospel Centre Churches and their affiliates.


At a very early age, he developed a deep connection with God, fostering a sense of purpose and commitment to his spiritual calling. Ordained as a pastor decades ago, Benjamin Mua has tirelessly devoted his life to the ministry, leading congregations with warmth, wisdom, and a genuine love for people. His journey in pastoral leadership takes him regularly to various communities and nations across the globe, where he has played a pivotal role in fostering spiritual growth, community outreach, and social justice initiatives. Pastor Benjamin Mua’s theological insights and commitment have made him a beloved figure in his congregation and the communities he serves.


His deep theological insight and sharp prophetic edge offer him an innate ability to connect with individuals from all walks of life, offering solace and inspiration to those facing challenges. His sermons are known for their thought-provoking ability, grounded in both biblical principles and practical wisdom for navigating the complexities of modern life. Beyond the pulpit, Pastor Benjamin Mua has been actively involved in community service projects, partnering with the local community to address social issues such as homelessness, poverty, and addiction. His compassionate heart and hands-on approach have earned him respect not only as a spiritual leader but also as a tireless advocate for positive change. As husband and father with deep biblical family values, he continues to inspire and uplift his congregation, fostering a sense of unity and purpose not only in homes but within the church community. His legacy is one of faith, love, and a steadfast commitment to making a meaningful impact on the lives of those he serves.






Défi Jubgang - Youth Pastor


Pastor  Défi Jubgang is a dynamic youth pastor dedicated to inspiring and guiding the next generation on their spiritual journey. Born and raised in Cameroon, Central Africa,  Pastor Défi Jubgang developed a passion for fostering faith and community engagement from teenagehood.


After serving as a Sunday school teacher and as a church steward, he felt a calling to work specifically with young people, especially in bringing reconciliation of the youths' issues from broken homes with their family. He was later ordained Pastor, and appointed as the 
youth pastor, with the purpose of stirring spiritual awareness of the youths about JESUS-CHRIST and the Kingdom of GOD. This vision also entails creating a space where teenagers and young adults could explore their faith in Christ, build lasting connections, and navigate the complexities of adolescence with a strong foundation of love and understanding.


Pastor Défi Jubgang's ministry is characterized by a blend of contemporary relevance and timeless wisdom. He leverages modern communication tools, music, and interactive activities to connect with the youth in meaningful ways. His sermons are not just lectures but vibrant conversations that encourage open dialogue and critical thinking.


Beyond the church walls, Pastor Défi is deeply involved in evangelism, partnering with other evangelists in the church to address the unique needs of young people. He believes in the power of service and actively encourages his congregation to participate in various initiatives, fostering a sense of responsibility and empathy among the youth.


He is not just a pastor; he is a mentor, a friend, and a source of inspiration for the youth he serves. His commitment to nurturing a faith community that embraces love, and acceptance makes him an invaluable leader in the ever-evolving landscape of youth ministry.




Marcel Fombi - Associate Pastor


Pastor Marcel Fombi is a dedicated Associate Pastor at Hope For All Nations Church, where he has faithfully served for the past few years. Born and raised in Cameroon,  Pastor Marcel Fombi discovered his calling to ministry at a young age and pursued his theological education at a reputable school of ministry.


Known for his warm and charming leadership style, Pastor Marcel Fombi has played a crucial role in fostering a sense of community and spiritual growth within the congregation. His sermons are characterized by a deep understanding of Scripture, delivered with clarity and relevance to the challenges of life.

In addition to his pastoral responsibilities, Pastor Marcel Fombi actively engages in various outreach programs, emphasizing the church's commitment to community service. He is passionate about building bridges between diverse groups and creating an environment where everyone feels welcome and valued.

Pastor Marcel Fombi is a firm believer in the transformative power of Christ and faith and seeks to inspire others on their spiritual journeys. With a heart for mentoring and discipleship, he invests time in nurturing the next generation of church leaders, encouraging them to embrace their unique gifts and talents for the service of God.

His commitment to fostering a loving and supportive church family has earned Pastor Marcel Fombi the respect and admiration of the congregation. Whether offering words of comfort during difficult times or celebrating joyous milestones and testimonies, he exemplifies the essence of Christian love and leadership in his role as Associate Pastor at Hope For All Nations Church.





 Ryan McDonald - Associate Pastor


Pastor Ryan McDonald is a dedicated and passionate pastor committed to guiding individuals on their spiritual journeys with Christ. Born and raised in Ottawa, ON, Pastor Ryan has a unique and inspiring story of redemption and transformation.


Having faced personal struggles, he experienced a profound spiritual awakening that led him to a life-changing encounter with God. This transformative journey ignited a deep desire to share the message of hope, forgiveness, and redemption with others— especially the younger generation.


Pastor Ryan found solace in the embrace of the church community, where he discovered the power of grace and second chances. He's been called into the ministry to be a beacon of light for individuals of all ages navigating the challenges of today's world.


He now serves as the associate pastor at Hope For All Nations Church and brings a unique perspective and empathy to the ministry. With a heart full of compassion and understanding, He strives to create a welcoming space for all individuals seeking spiritual guidance. Through mentorship and a genuine commitment to fostering personal growth, Pastor Ryan McDonald seeks to inspire the next generation to overcome obstacles and embrace a path of faith, love, and purpose in Jesus Christ.










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